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Wednesday 26 March 2014

TV - Turning a Deaf Ear. or Two!

I am intrigued. I wonder if anyone else has noticed how many TV programmes have stars who only whisper & seem incapable of normal speech? This will reveal the quality of some of the programmes I watch, which might not be wise. They are hardly erudite. To name but a few - "Revenge", "Person of Interest", "Hostages". It seems to be only the male stars who have laryngitis. Fortunately the women don't seem to be similarly afflicted. So it is possible to guess the gist of the conversations.

Even on good days I'm a bit deaf in one ear. Currently I need to have the dreaded syringing done in both. Lip reading isn't one of the skills I've picked up over the years & although I used to do a bit of signing, but these programmes aren't signed. I find myself cupping a hand behind an ear. I have considered making an ear trumpet.

Added to the sexy whisper these are American programmes by an large, so there is also the language difficulty. As George Bernard Shaw said - "Two countries separated by a common language". Then there is the speed of delivery. American films & TV programmes always seem to be pushed for time. Possibly because the adverts take up so much time. Or maybe scriptwriters are paid by the word, so actors have to gabble to get the episode in the appropriate time?

The sum total of all of this is that I am getting quite adept at guessing. Perhaps I should stick to documentaries. But then I'd be moaning about the intrusive music, the repetetive computer generated images, the bad acting, & the fact that the producers think the audience has the brain capacity of an gnat!

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