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Wednesday 19 October 2016

A Dog is for Life - Finale

Having a pet appeals to a basic instinct in humans. Man socialised dogs, & vice versa, way back in history. It is thought dogs were first domesticated when man was a hunter gatherer. It's a symbiotic relationship, of mutual benefit.

We are drawn to small creatures with appealing eyes & winning ways. Look at how animals are portrayed on all the documentaries on TV.They are guaranteed to make anyone rush out & get a pet. Especially if the animals are in shelters & have had a troubled existance. Even the websites & publicity of rehoming charities ensure that the images make us want to take the animal home. Puppies are the extreme example. They are surrogate children.

It's undoubtedly true, & is backed up by evidence, that animals have a beneficial impact on people. Most people care for their pets, although ill treatment can be truly shocking. The problem is that the majority of people do not understand dog psychology & how to properly train & socialise a dog. It isn't enough to teach a dog to sit or shake a paw - (How anthropomorphised is that?)

A dog needs to learn his place in the family hierarchy & it should be at the bottom of the list. A dog's basic needs should be met & it should be secure & loved. It should not be allowed to do everything it wants & dictate a family lifestyle. It should not be overfed with treats & spoiled any more than a child should.

But we British are soft about our animals & we perhaps do not go into pet owning with enough knowledge & information. Hence the number of animals which are badly treated, abandoned, given up or even killed. At least we have animal charities, but they are inundated because of our thoughtlessness & ignorance.

I made a mistake with Bandit despite trying to be informed & logical. Both of us were lucky that Blue Cross would take him back again & he stands a good chance of being re-homed. I now wonder whether the whole area of pet ownership should be much more regulated. Should we just be able to look on sites such as Preloved & Gumtree to get a dog without any checks & balances being in place. That just suits the notorious puppy farmers everywhere & isn't in the interest of dogs or owners.

The root of it is that too often pet owning is a decision of the heart & not of the head. That way is bound to lead to mistakes & heartache.

I've developed a chest infection overnight - How on earth did I think I would manage with something like that?

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