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Sunday 25 August 2013

Doing the right thing?

Iraq - Afghanistan - Egypt - Syria. All places where the waters are muddy & right & wrong is not black and white. All places where innocent people, including children, have suffered unbearably. All places where men with guns & worse have fought for power regardless of the consequences of their actions.

What should our response be to situations like this? How should we make the decision about the appropriate action to take?

We see graphic images & hear first hand testamony about atrocities daily. We want to uphold human rights. We want to make the perpetrators accountable for their heinous actions. We don't want to look away & let other human beings suffer grievously and do nothing to help them. We want to be good Samaritans.

Force begats more force. Guns and weapons escalate conflict increasing the human toll. "Collateral damage" - what an offensive euphemism that is. Do we have the right to interfere in another countries affairs? If we do, how successful is it? What lessons has history given us of the outcomes of similar conflicts?  I don't know the answers, but I think we need to pause & think. An emotional response is not what is needed. Boots on the ground or high altitude precision air strikes don't seem to have been particularly successful hitherto.

There needs to be condemnation. There needs to be action. We need to show support & offer aid to the weak & helpless victims. But what?

We in Britain, along with other Europeans, the Americans, Chinese & Russians have a healthy arms trade worth billions. Our countries have a vested interest in conflict. Our businesses make vast amounts of money in the aftermath of war too. How dispassionate & evenhanded are our leaders in the face of the powerful arms & business lobby?

It comes down to simple choices. Can we realistically end this sort of conflict by force? If we do does it result in lasting peace & a fair society? Do the criminal leaders get their just deserts in the aftermath?

It seems to me that it just isn't that simple. But how can we do nothing & let evil thrive?

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