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Wednesday 9 March 2011


I don't have much time for the established church, or religion in general. Most religions seem to be very hierarchical and male dominated to me. Throughout history religion has been responsible for huge injustice, & terrible acts of cruelty & inhumanity.  Religions spawn small fundamentalist sects who are responsible for division & exclusivity and an arrogant belief in their own superiority.

I do, however, belive in the basic tenets of many religions - the code by which we should live our lives - our moral compass. If we could all only genuinely try to live by these simple rules we might stand a chance of surviving as human beings in a better world.
If there is a God s/he is the God of everyone. S/he does not require wonderful buildings or rich & expensive vestments for priests. In fact why should s/he require priests at all? Why should we need to speak to God through Mary or Jesus or a Prophet or Pope? Why shouldn't we have a direct dialogue with God?

My belief system is about treating other people as I would wish to be treated. About respecting difference & individuality. About caring for my fellow human beings & the world in which we live and the huge bio-diversity within that. Heaven & Hell exist only within each of us. Our lives are finite & infinitesimal & we live on only in the memories of our loved ones & friends. That memory should be loving and positive.

Life is a journey of learning and experience. We should be better people when we "depart this mortal coil" than we were when we were born. (How could a baby possibly be born in "original sin"?) Every action each of us makes has an impact on everything & everybody around us, however small. We should strive not to make that impact negative in any way.

Life is a hard act. but we should at least try to be the best we can. If there are failures, and there will be, that should just renew our determination to keep trying.

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