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Saturday 12 March 2011

Fiddling while Libya burns.

I can't imagine why we think that useful & meaningful consensus is possible in organisations like NATO, the UN, & the European Union. The chances of speedy & appropriate decision making seem to me non-existant. There are so many countries with hugely different cultures & agendas, never mind the self interest of politicians who want to mark out their territory & retain power.

Once again history shows us how ineffectual & downright negligent these organisations have been in the past. Why do we expect them to change?

Just think how difficult it is to get consensus in a family, a committee, or a group of people with the same language & similar cultural background. Everyone thinks that their opinion is valid & is willing to defend it come what may, or worse still, stop reasonable action being taken.

When the decisions are as complex as whether to invade another sovereign countries space no wonder politicians dither. Especially when, as in this case, many would like to see the status quo remain because of the agreements & ties they have to this corrupt regime.

Surely what matters is how we as individuals defend the rights of other individuals, wherever they live, not to be shot at, bombed & tortured by their own government. We all know what Human Rights are. Why aren't we prepared to defend them when they are obviously being flouted? Why do we feel that there is nothing we can do as individuals? Surely this recent domino effect people power has taught each one of us how powerful we can be if we voice our concerns & views collectively?

I really wish I felt hope for the people of Libya and all the other countries in the world in a similar plight. I wish I felt that right would prevail against cruel & despotic men who care nothing for ordinary men, women & children. I don't. We powerful Western Nations, or rather our politicians, put ourselves & our needs first. Nothing must be allowed to threaten our ability to maintain our unsustainable & selfish way of life.

Until ordinary men and women make their voices heard and say this is not acceptable nothing will change. I fear for my grandchildren & the world they will inherit.   

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