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Thursday 19 March 2020

Corona - Getting my meds & shopping

My Chemist had started locking the doors & only allowing 2 people in at the same time when I went yesterday to collect my meds. They told me to return today, which I did. About 45 minutes later I finally walked out with everything. I had to queue outside in the cold & rain for ages, everyone standing about a metre apart. Inside there was 1 pharmacist & 1 counter assistant on duty - unsurprisingly they have problems with staff being off sick. They were both working flat out. The phone rang continuously & the pharmacist had to keep ringing out to check & order drugs. The assistant had to serve & keep locking & unlocking the door, plus she had to deal with a big delivery of stock. Apparently every item has to be scanned in as well as unpacked. I felt hugely sorry for them both. Add to that they are risking getting infected themselves. No masks or special equipment. Amazingđź’–

The big supermarkets are offering an hour at the beginning of the day to people over 70 & those with a disability, so we have some chance of getting what we need before the vultures descend - and in my case before I am isolated at home. My big Sainsburys in Kidlington opens at 7am. So that means they are expecting me & those like me, to get there for 6am. They have no idea! I am not good first thing in the morning & certainly couldn't get up at 5.30 to go food shopping. Those on a limited budget who don't have a car wouldn't be able to use their bus pass. How are they proposing to "police" this? Are they going to ask for proof of age - a bus pass or something? Would we risk making the effort only to find the shelves hadn't been re-stocked?

Also limiting people to 3-5 of the same item just isn't good enough. The stockpiling has been going on for days. Not only shelves of loo rolls, cleaning materials, tins & packets are empty - meat, fruit & veg aisles are also empty. Apparently people are operating a black market for profit too. It's completely unacceptable. The supermarkets & government need to do much better. There is a lot of anxiety & fear.

There are two sides to every coin - a situation like this brings out the very best in some people & the very worst in others. I do hope the positive trumps the negative.

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