What do I worship? Actually I don't think I worship anything at all. I know what matters to me & what doesn't, but there is truly nothing that I worship.
So I'm wondering what it is that makes so many people feel the need to worship a God. A God that requires belief without any proof of his / her existance.
In 2018 84% of the global population identified with a religious group. In 2015 Christians were the biggest religious group with 2.3 billion adherents or 31.2% of the total world population - Muslims 1.8 billion or 24.1%.
Can we transpose the word Values for Worship? What do we, in the developed world value most? Is it money, posessions, technology, a house or car, clothes.....? Are they the 21st century Gods we worship? Material things?
Have we valued the world we live in enough? - No. Have we valued the huge diversity of flora & fauna we have been given to populate this world? - No. Have we valued the minerals, the fossil fuels that have sustained us for years? - No. Have we acually squandered these valuable & finite resources? - Definitely.
We need to get back to a simpler way of living for all sorts of reasons, mostly because those "things" are not sustainable. We have become obsessed with things. We have lost a sense of wonder in the natural world. We compete with other people to have bigger, better, more up to date things. Consumerism has become the God we worship.
Consumerism relies on destruction & constant replacement. The things we use on a daily basis have built in obsolescence. We require more of everything. More food, more gadgets & gizmos, more fashion changes of clothes & shoes, more coffee houses & restaurants...More, More, More.
It can't go on. The God of the 21st century requires us to worship the ephemeral & in doing so we are destroying our planet. There isn't a Planet B.

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