"Semiramide" was completely new to me. The Bel Canto music is beautiful. The orchestra & singers were wonderful. So why am I grumpy? Well its the same criticisms that I had about the "Magic Flute". The Met drowns everything. It overdoes the costumes, the sets, the special effects. It really doesn't understand the concept of "less is more".
The costumes were a hotch potch of styles, which had little to do with Babylonia, or any other country. There were touches of Frieda Kahlo with the ladies flowery head gear. It was all lush fabrics, gold, jewels & bling. Maybe the Met feels that this is what Sponsors & Americans want, but they are selling to a worldwide audience. I find it distracting & I object to being asked to support the Met financially when they just squander money.
The Chorus is really over the top. I actually think that some of them aren't even singing. They are just bulk - "more is more".
The music, the arias, the duets, trios & quartets were beautiful with a lot of high C's. Each of the main roles is a "tour de force", but it is a long opera, I went in at 12.00 & came out after 4.00. So it takes a long time to say anything - There is a lot of repetition.
I am going to be accused of being "Fattist" & "Discriminatory" for my next comment. Although I loved the voice of Semiramide, ( Angela Meade), I found it difficult to overlook the fact that she is obese. Although her face is expressive, this did affect her movement. It reminded me very much of Pavarotti live in operas. Beautiful voice, but you had to suspend disbelief beyond my capabilities. In the performing arts characters have to be believable in the role. That, surely is what the audition process is about. In opera it's more complicated, because the voice has to be right for the role too. I'm not sure that the costume helped either, it was very tent like. I couldn't help thinking of the "fat lady sings" quote. It really doesn't help.

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