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Wednesday 10 February 2016

Donald Trump - President of the worlds greatest Superpower? !

What an aptly named man! He is just one long fart of discriminatory, ignorant & ill informed, jingoistic, mysogenistic, right wing drivel. There are no policies whatsoever in there, just rebel rousing soundbites because he doesn't have the intellect to formulate policy. All he does is throw vast sums of money at buying support from people who are seemingly as biased as he is. Added to which he's named after a cartoon duck.

The question is why do the American people even give this dreadful man a public arena to spout his poison? There is no question that he has a lot of support, so you have to ask what on earth is appealing about him? How can so many Americans begin to imagine voting for him as their next President?

This man could be the Commander in Chief of the biggest superpower in the world with more power than anyone else on the planet. He would have his finger on the button.

He has no qualifications whatsoever for the job. All he is good at is making money & trampling underfoot other people in so doing. He is a joke.

It is a truly frightening  prospect, but what does it say about the American people? Are they really so stupid as to think this is a good idea? Please wake up America. Think what you are letting the world in for if you go ahead. Lemmings rushing off a cliff doesn't even begin to cover it.

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