I've been doing
some of this for years. I don't send any Christmas cards for example. I bring out the same few decorations I've had for years. I don't indulge in sparkly new clothes. I limit the presents I buy to immediate family.
The time has come for all of us to think
seriously about how we "celebrate" Christmas. The waste is not just
unsustainable, it's becoming obscene. Personally I don't want anything. I get
what I need when I need it. I also don't want to spend my time shopping for gifts. I don't want to waste sedentary hours
watching the opening presents ritual & eating & drinking far
more than normal. Most people could cut back a lot.
Many people don't
have the money for excessive consumerism. The difference between the the poor & the propsperous is getting wider every year. Read the "Trussell Trust" stats on Food
Banks. https://www.trusselltrust.org/news-and-blog/latest-stats/ Read "Crisis" stats on Homelessness https://www.crisis.org.uk/.../the_homelessness_monitor...
Please - Lets all think what we are doing. Less is more at Christmas & always.
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