If I am to be believed, my actions have to show that I mean what I say. I have to "practice what I preach".
Most of us are capable of dissembling, to put it kindly. Or even lying. Most of us understand that we can't always tell the complete "unvarnished truth". If we do we can hurt others or do enormous damage to relationships.
I imagine most of us have been put in a situation where we have been asked to keep a secret. Breaking our word becomes a moral issue. In what circumstances should we do it? Or should we keep a promise come what may?
So, if we wish to be believed & respected as truthful, how do we tread the thin line between absolute truth & white lies to protect others? It's a question of good judgement. What is the other person capable of hearing & understanding?
If I were always completely honest & said exactly what I thought, in all circumstances, I probably wouldn't have any relationships left! If we were to "tell it as it is" all the time we wouldn't have many friends left to tell anything to. We all have to learn to edit our thoughts & speech.
My way of doing things isn't yours. My way isn't necessarily right. (Neither is yours). Actions are always questionable. The way I see the world isn't the same way you do. We as human beings, are constantly judging people, situations & actions.
So all we can do it try to act with wisdom & a highly developed moral compass. We need to care what impact what we say & do has on others. We definitely need to "think before we speak, (or act)". Because once out, the words cannot be retracted. The actions cannot be undone. They are always there between us.
That is the code by which I have learned to live. But there is a new "post truth" world, when the most powerful world leaders routinely lie & dissemble. I don't feel I can trust or believe many of them.
Where do we go from this new reality where nothing can be relied on? What is the point of having a vote when there is no one in power who can be believed?

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