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Friday 5 July 2019

Does it Matter?

As you age you change perspective. You are the sum total of your life experiences - (providing you can remember them!) You do modify your beliefs. What is important to you changes over time.

But some things are constant & fundamental - for me it's my personal ethical & moral compass. The things that I do think matter.
  • Treading lightly on the world & the people in it.
  • Preserving the incredible world we live in & not wasting it's resources.
  • Valuing each human being & wanting everyone to have the same opportunities regardless of where, when & to whom they were born.
  • Understanding that we actually own nothing - we can't take anything with us when we die.
  • Also understanding that all you really need is enough money for food, shelter, warmth & clothing. Any wealth above that is a bonus. So each & every one of us should do what we can to share out wealth so that everyone has the basic needs. 
People are more important than things. Not just those close to us or those we see in our daily lives, our family & friends. We need to think more widely & truly address the vast chasm of inequality that exists in the world today. Those fortunate enough to be born into financial security & wealth need to learn to share more. Just because you can buy anything that you want doesn't mean that it is right to do so. Certain things should not only be available to you if you can afford them - good healthcare & education for example. They should be a universal right.
Image result for images of children scavenging on rubbish dumps

There are things that I really don't think matter - Wearing the latest fashions, having the latest high tech gadget, having a new car or bigger & better house. I don't believe that changing the decor in my house to keep up with the latest trends is important. I don't give a stuff what other people have got. I do think that the completely over the top, ostentatious, spending of the very wealthy is obscene. The wealthiest 1% of the world's population now owns more than half of the world's wealth.

It really does matter that people are migrating to escape war & persecution or to increase their chances in life. It matters that many countries are trying to keep them out.

It matters that many countries are ruled by corrupt governments. That bribery is rife & considered the "normal" way of operating.

It matters that big corporations are desecrating the world we live in & not paying proportionate taxes on their profits.

It matters that we are polluting our world & wasting resources.

Unless we all realise what is truly important very soon it will be too late - for all humanity. There needs to be a lot more sharing. A lot more caring. A lot more generosity. Just a lot more love.

Is that too much to matter?  

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