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Wednesday 17 July 2019

Self, Selfie, Selfish.

We have the capacity to be Selfless. Think about any person you have heard of, famous or not, now or historical, who has done something outstanding for other people or for a cause. There are thousands to chose from.

We can rise above our own personal Self Interest. We can put ourselves in jeopardy of harm or even death for the sake of something we know is right & just. Something we believe in. People do it all the time. Causes have been won. Lives have been saved. Pick any instance you can remember.

Then look at the whole Selfie movement. People taking photos with their phones - Of what? "Me" in front of a beautiful landscape or iconic place. "Me" latching on to a "famous" person. "Me" having a lovely meal, or even just a cup of coffee. "Me" showing the world how many "friends" or loving "family" I have got. Me. Me. Me. Selfish Selfies.
selfie deaths 
Often the people look like idiots - just Google "Images of people taking selfies". They seem to be trying to convey a completely wonderful, deliriously happy, perfect, lifestyle. It can't be reality.

The trouble with having a small computer/camera in your hand is that you stop actually looking & really seeing. All you are interested in is getting an image & often posting it for the world to see how important you are - where you have been - who you have been with.

When I was in Istanbul a couple of years ago I literally could hardly move through the streets because of thousands of people mindlessly taking photos with their phones on Selfie Sticks! Istanbul - the beautiful cradle of a civilisation & what's important? Me! My photo.

As an older woman I am literally horrified at the Selfish, Self Centred, Self Interested, Self Obsessedness of our world today. Seemingly anything goes as long as "I" get what "I" want - now. That has led to unimaginable debt & consumerism. It's led to built in obsolescence. It's led to a world where big multinationals feed the Self Obsession constantly. Our whole economy is built on it.

Unless something changes very quickly & the Selfless triumph over the Selfish, it will lead to the world becoming the biggest Failed State ever. Then our planet might have a chance to recover from what we have done.

We can chose. But there really isn't much time.

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