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Monday 15 July 2019


"You're amazing" - Well actually no, most people aren't, most of the time. Amazing is a very overworked word, which has become so commonplace it's actually more or less meaningless.

People, places, things are all "amazing" - all the time. So when something really is amazing, like the Wimbledon mens singles final between Federer & Djokovic yesterday, calling it amazing devalues it.

We use language too casually. We do need to think about what we say & how we describe things. If we use superlatives all the time, we are left with nothing in our vocabulary to truly describe something out of the ordinary.

The language we use can influence the way we think. The way we think can influence the way we behave. Are you unable to think about things you don't have words for, or do you lack words for them because you don't think about them? Your culture, the traditions, lifestyle, habits, and so on that you pick up from the people you live and interact with, shapes the way you think, and also shapes the way you talk.

Our sloppy use of language can be really annoying. I truly loathe the universal use of the word "like" spattered thoughtlessly throughout speech today. Everytime I hear it used inappropriately to the actual meaning of the word I want to do physical harm to the speaker! It's become a universal cultural language "tic" or "tell".

We do not have words for everything. We only have words for concepts that are important or salient in our culture. The gift of language should be valued - Language opens the doors of thought, communication & description to us. Just try to imagine having Aphasia or being struck dumb.

Language is truly "amazing". We have words for concepts, which work as shorthands for those concepts. For example Rain or Snow,(that cold and white thing that falls from the sky in the cold days of winter)”. Each language lets us see what's important to the people speaking that language.

So, let's try to use language well. Let's teach our children the value of language. Let's think about what we are saying & engage our brain before we speak.

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