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Monday 18 November 2013

Nesting - Order out of chaos.

All the flat pack is assembled thanks to D who has spent 3 days doing it. That's real friendship, giving your time & effort to help someone else. So, a big thank you to him. Now all my stuff has a place & hopefully my brain will remember where everything is! (That's doubtful actually).

I can now walk into every room without negotiating a minefield of boxes & things. Miraculously it is now obvious what each room is for. It does seem crazy that despite all my efforts to give lots of "stuff" away I still have enough to fill a 5 bedroom house.

There are still outstanding problems - A boiler that hasn't worked for weeks, but will be replaced hopefully on Wednesday. (Ironically the last day my vendor has to respond to my court summons) - An alarm system that won't turn off, but a man is coming tomorrow to fix it, (maybe). However, now there is light & possibly heat at the end of the tunnel. It has all been much more problematical than I expected. But that's life, as the Dowager Countess of Grantham said in "Downton Abbey" - a series of problems to overcome & then you die! Each problem overcome is a lesson learned & a boost to self confidence & self belief.

I am deeply grateful to all my friends who have helped me in one way or another. Everything from encouragement in times of panic or despair, suggestions for solutions to problems, feeding me when I didn't have the time to think about food & endless practical help. Most of all just being there, physically present or at the end of a phone or by texting & email.

In the end we do all have to live our own lives, whatever those lives hold. No one can do that for us however close we are to them. We are essentially alone. But a real friend is more important than anything else, except perhaps good health. We are social animals, we need each other to share the good times & the bad. Friendship means giving as well as taking. I have a debt of giving back to repay now.

The next thing is hanging the pictures, but that will be fun.

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