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Wednesday 20 November 2013

Argument - Disagreement - Absolute Truth.

Argument - a quarrel, altercation, debate.
Disagreement - a refusal or failure to agree, an argument or dispute.
Absolute Truth - Not dependent on, conditioned by or relative to anything else.

I wonder how long I could continue telling nothing but the absolute truth? I don't think it would be very long. Mostly because telling the truth often means hurting or offending others and I wouldn't want to do that. I may for example think that a friend looks absolutely dreadful in certain clothes, or made up in a certain way. A friend means a lot to me so I wouldn't want to undermine her confidence. Also it would just be my opinion & taste & could I honestly say that was the absolute truth considering the fashion disasters I have been guilty of? (A sunshine yellow trouser suit springs to mind!)

I don't mind being involved in a disagreement, in fact If the subject is interesting & the other party is well informed I actively enjoy it. Political or philosophical argument is challenging & broadens your horizons. People who are passionate about a subject are much more interesting than those who follow the crowd & don't have any convictions to be courageous about. The trick is to listen and be prepared to change your view if presented with compelling evidence. You also need to know your subject & the arguments which support your view so you can sway someone else's viewpoint.

An argument is a different matter entirely. Emotions are involved. Lasting harm can be done to a relationship. There are people, not many thank goodness, who I have lost contact with completely because things were said which simply couldn't be unsaid & forgotten. Usually this all happens too quickly in the heat of the moment, under great stress. The harm is done.

So with the benefit of age, I would now try very hard not to get involved in an altercation or argument. It simply isn't worth the harm it inflicts on both sides. In order to achieve this more steady state I think you have to compromise, whilst knowing what the boundaries are which you won't cross.

In trying to apply this personal theory to our parliamentary democracy, (so called), I am not surprised that politicians have lost the confidence & trust of the population. The quality of debate in the Lower House is rubbish. Truth is lost in the miasma of half truths & downright lies. Politicians are not allowed to have their own independent opinions, the party Whips see to that. There is no respect for an opposing view & definitely no willingness to change your stance. That would be political suicide. All too often the heat of the moment means that the "debate" descends into unedifying caterwauling.

Politics & politicians have become synonomous dirty words. Maybe we do get the politicians we deserve.

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