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Monday 5 September 2011

Getting a Life

As I've travelled this journey of my life after Dave's death I have learned things. About myself & about other people. One thing I do believe is that I have to be outgoing & open to opportunity. I have to say "yes" rather than the instinctive, knee jerk, "no". I have to accept that life is changeable from moment to moment & impermanence is the norm.

So in this spirit I have now sent off the application to volunteer with childrens charitites for a month in either Kathmandu or Port Elizabeth, (South Africa). It means a month away from my comfort zone - home, friends, my micro family. It means a challenge that I don't know whether I'm up to. It means a different culture, unknown people, a completely different way of life with people who are in no way as fortunate as I am. That is if I am accepted of course!

I have also been to two taster sessions with local choirs. The glitzy "Rock Choir" & the simpler "Stroud Song". The latter is my choice, & when I get back from my forthcoming pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela I will go weekly. Friends have told me that I need to do more "fun" things - I don't "do" fun. I'm a Calvanist, work ethic sort of a person. But it is a great pleasure to sing, especially with other people, in harmony.

So, hopefully, the two warring sides of my character - the serious, task oriented one & the free spirit which has been subdued will be more balanced in future. Who knows, the free spirit might get the upper hand. That would be a bonus.

1 comment:

  1. With none of the shackles that bind ordinary people or couples, the world should indeed be your oyster, so opportunities like these can only go two ways and, as my Dad used to say, just hope for the best and plan for the worst! (Taylor)
