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Friday 20 September 2019

Global Climate Strike - Extinction Rebellion

I think I'm getting a bit old for rebellion. But actually there were a lot of Granny's & Grandad's at the Oxford Climate Strike today. It was a very British affair as the handwritten schedule shows.

It was all very jolly with a band and various individuals with drums and instruments. There were people on their own like me, but also family groups, (often 3 generations) & groups of school children & teenagers. Most people carried home made or printed placards & banners. There were also quite a few photographers & press around, often getting in the way.

The noticable thing was that we were a very diverse group. There were new age hippies, college types, very ordinary families, all people who shared a common concern for the danger we are in. It was a lovely sunny day & the mood was happy, but focussed. Chanting emerged spontaneously out of nowhere. Because it was such a big group there were often several different chants at the same time.

The first march was just the children. Isn't it wonderful that we can let primary aged children go off on a march without their parents? Obviously there were stewards keeping everyone together on route. Isn't it also wonderful that children who are so young care enough & are informed enough to do this? 

At times the strike seemed to have a life of it's own, at times it seemed completely unfocussed & leaderless. It wasn't helped by the fact that the PA system couldn't cope & so I couldn't hear the speakers after the first march. 

In the end I left at the start of the second march because I was very tired, but also because I simply couldn't hear what was being said, which was a pity because there were some good speakers on the schedule. Also, boringly, I needed to be in for the plumber.

I hope politicians listen, but more than that I hope they have the guts to do what is necessary. It is, however, a forlorn hope.