I don't feel isolated. I am solitary through force of circumstance, not choice. I do have to work at keeping in touch with family, friends & acquaintances. Keeping in touch isn't necessarily face to face now - It can be phone, (not my forte), text or email - (Much more my thing). I also keep others in touch with my life by Blogging.
Solitariness can actually be addictive. It's quite possible to find noise & crowds unsettling & tiring.Being free to do what you want when you want is quite a pleasure.If your normal daily way of life is solitary it can be hard to adjust to people "en masse".
Quiet is definitely my favourite option when doing anything requiring thinking. But I love Radio 4 & my music CD's. I watch TV a lot in the evening. I cannot bear music, the TV or Radio to be on as a constant background though, with no one actually listening. The Internet, Radio & TV keep me up to date with what is happening in the world. Just because I live alone doesn't mean I'm totally self absorbed & isolated.
I lived with my parents for the first 18 years of my life. As soon as I finished 3 years at college I got married. So it wasn't until I was 64, when my husband died, that I had to adjust to being solitary. It was quite difficult & I would have described it as lonely then.
Human beings are capable of adjusting to a variety of circumstances. Sometimes there is no choice. We should maybe all make more effort to help people we think may be lonely or isolated though.

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