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Friday 22 March 2019

Brexit - "A plague on both your (political) parties"

Apologies to Shakespeare (Romeo & Juliet).

I am sick to death of Brexit. But I can't begin to tell you politely how totally fed up I am with some politicians. How is it that having a second referendum is anti democratic, but bringing back the soundly defeated "Brexit Deal" three times is OK. Thank God for Bercow. Someone has to try to end this farce.

Listening to someone on Radio 4 this morning, a very valid point was made. In European countries the very right or left wing politicians are in their own party. They don't bring democratic government to its knees by destroying more moderate political parties. That is, in effect what the ERG have done to Conservatives & Momentum has done to Labour.

The extreme left & right wing don't have the courage of their convictions. They shelter under the auspices of more reasonable voices & drown them using the most despicable tactics. "Populism" has a lot to answer for - nothing good that I can see.

So we have come to a democratic crisis which is making us a laughing stock in Europe & the wider world. What price us being the 5th most culturally influential country in the world? Or Britain being a global influencer? Or one of the most democratic countries in the world? Well, all that's trashed - by our politicians!

I have no idea what will happen next. All the norms I grew up with have gone. There is no "moral compass" - expediency is the word. It feels as if everything is out of control & chaotic - including the weather - apocalyptic even. Perhaps I should read the Book of Revelation.
Funniest Post-Election Memes: Post-Apocalyptic Fiction  

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