I know the frailties of people, including myself. I have also experienced the caring & supportive capacity of people & hopefully returned the favour.
- I've stopped expecting things to work for a reasonable length of time & have definitely stopped expecting to get them repaired.
- I've stopped expecting a reasonable rate of interest from banks.
- I've stopped expecting people in highly paid jobs or politics to take responsibility for their mistakes & resign.
- I've stopped expecting politeness.
- I've stopped expecting to win a prize with my premium bonds - the very occasional £25 isn't worth it.
- I've stopped expecting what I hear or read in the press or media to be the truth.
- I've stopped expecting extremists to be reasonable & obey the laws of their religions.
- I've stopped expecting humane behaviour in war & now expect "collateral damage" on an industrial scale.
Basically I've stopped expecting life or the world to be fair. It isn't. It probably never was & never will be. Sh.. happens to most people. There are just variable degrees of sh.. You just have to deal with it & hope someone is there to help you do it.