"The Special Relationship is the unofficial term for the (supposed) exceptionally close political, diplomatic, cultural, economic, military and historical relations between the United Kingdom and the United States. It was used in a 1946 speech by Winston Churchill". Personally I think the political use of the term is well past it's sell by date - if it was ever relevant or realistic.
Individuals can have a personal special relationship, but countries - surely not. Countries are far too complex & diverse. Countries have different agendas & protect their own interests above anyone else's. The culture of different countries varies enormously in many ways.
There may be mutually beneficial issues countries can work together on, but that doesn't necessarily denote a permanent special relationship. Once the circumstances change the special relationship goes out of the window & self interest moves in. Anyone who believes that isn't true of Mr Trump is deluded.
There has been much speculation over the years about the power play of male senior politicians meeting. Who holds the arm of the other, guiding. Who walks ahead, leading. What the body language is saying. Whatever else Trump is he is a wily operator & will have been well aware of the impact of the hand holding. I doubt Mrs May needed it or welcomed it.

Very few realtionships are actually really equal. Trump was metaphorically peeing on the lampost marking his territory & putting her firmly in her place as a mere woman. I wonder if he would do the same with Mrs Merkel.
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