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Friday 1 July 2016

Boris, Gove & Corbyn - Political Self Destruction

"Et Tu Brute" & "Day of the long knives" seems to sum up politics at the moment.

I am appalled at the self interested, arrogant, anti democratic behaviour of our politicians in both major parties. Their behaviour is unedifying & duplicitous. The underhand plotting, briefing & leaking is destroying any of the last vestiges of trust the people had in their elected representatives.

On the one hand we have the Parliamentary Labour Party ignoring the overwhelming will of the grass roots party & throwing their toys out of the pram to unseat their elected leader. It has been a planned campaign ever since he won & really has little to do with Brexit. I'm not a Corbyn supporter, but he has never been given a chance. We just get woolly statements about his ability to lead or win an election with no evidence whatsoever. I find the approach Jeremy has tried to introduce a refreshing change from politics as usual.

Then you have the backstabbing Conservatives. I'm not sorry that "Buffoon Boris" had to back down. I have always believed in Karma. He got what he deserved for veering with the winds of his own self interest. Hopefully Gove will go the same way, having clearly revealed to those who didn't already see it, just how untrustworthy he is. He stabbed both Cameron & Johnson in the back. He too will be the author of his own destruction if there is any justice in the world. I would have been really worried if either of them had become our next Prime minister, however briefly.

I really don't think many MP's of any party get just how fed up the electorate are with the self serving behaviour of many, but not all, politicians. It is a dangerous path we are treading. An alienated electorate is not desirable for the good of the country & ultimately the world. We are supposedly a democracy, not a benign dictatorship.

Ultimately any Leader or Party wants to have power so they can impliment their policies. It is debateable whether any political party in the UK is now "fit for purpose". That leaves a dangerous vacuum. Both parties need to draw back from the brink, it might already be too late. Currently we have Mob Rule & bullying. Where does this behaviour leave democracy?

Maybe both parties should split in two, each having a right wing & a left wing. Then the electorate will have more, better defined choice & we can put an end to the infighting which has gone on for so long. As for the politicians it gives them the opportunity to have 4 leaders, 4 cabinets etc etc. More opportunity for power & high profile. That should appeal.

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