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Wednesday 2 March 2016

A new Ensuite - 6


Spent ages last night on the roof, in a howling gale, trying to tape up the outside of the spare room ensuite extractor fan which was driving me mad clacking. I knew I wouldn't get any sleep if I didn't do it. I borrowed some gaffer tape from my nice neighbour. Can't get at mine because my car port shed is inaccessible due to bags of rubbish waiting to go to the tip. Apparently it's a real design failure with older extractors.

This morning started with problems. The new WC has arrived minus some fittings & there is a difficult issue about how to finish off two vertical edges & whether to centre the tiles with the basin tap. Difficult to explain without a diagram.

Really the tiles need to be centred on the position of the tap or the vertical grouting line will be offset & look awful. That means that the edge of the tile near the door will be machine cut by hand. What I don't understand is why the manufacturers have stopped glazing the edges of tiles like they used to do when I last tiled a bathroom many moons ago. It can only be a cost saving measure, but it means that you have to have the tacky plastic strips.

So there was a mega discussion & we had to go to Topps Tiles to decide which strips to try before any work could start. That's a couple of hours gone. The upshot is that there is no way I can move back into my bedroom on Friday. Work will continue into next week & I can't get the cleaners in till everything is finished. None of the rubbish stopping me using the car port will be removed till the job is completed. So my car has to stay at my daughters.

I know it's all psychological & it's more important to have a good job than to rush & spoil it, but it is disapointing. I can't settle to anything because there are issues every day. On the other hand I'm hardly suffering. You do get to the stage where you just want your house back though.

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