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Saturday 2 January 2016

Obsessive Compulsive Clearing Out

It's an annual disease which always arrives at this time of year. I don't wait for Spring. Why waste lovely Spring days going through all the dross you have collected over the year when you can do it on a wet, grey day in January which is not fit for anything else?

What I don't understand, considering this is a repeated infection over many years, is how I've still got piles of stuff to give / throw away. Do I suddenly morph into a more discriminating person? Have I lost / gained that much weight in a year? Surely my tastes don't change that much? Where does all the paperwork to shred come from? If I can cheerfully get rid of it all now, why did I keep it in the first place?

I started at the top of the house, so the spare bedroom is cleared & fit for human habitation. I found some things I have been looking for for ages. (A ferrule for the bottom of my walking stick for one - Very useful as I'm still doing my Long John Silver impression).

In the spirit of being organised for 2016 & recognising that there isn't going to be a sudden Damascene conversion to a person with a reliable memory, I'm writing what is where in a little notebook. I'm also considering writing a list to go inside each door / drawer, (but that does seem a touch too obsessive). I could do a database, (but that's really going too far).

The truly perplexing thing is that I am a single person living in a 5 bedroom house. I have already moved house & downsized  my stuff drastically twice. I have given away van loads of stuff over the last 12 years.

How can we all accumulate so much? Why do we do it? What does it say about us? We can't take any of it with us when we "depart this mortal coil".

I think my next blog is going to have to be about the ridiculous premise of perpetual growth driven by consumer spending & debt on which Western countries fiscal policy is based.

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