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Thursday 27 June 2024

Elections - What I need to know.

I am so p..... off with politicians & the run up to the election. So this is my Manifesto for what I want;-

  • I want to know what qualifications, experience & beliefs the candidates have to be electable
  • I want clear, unvarnished, truthful, intelligent, responses to questions
  • I want them to listen
  • I want respect for other politicians & the electorate
  • I want them to actually care about the problems the electorate & the world is facing, not bluster
  • I want them to be prepared to make unpopular decisions that are in the best, long term, interest of the UK & the world
  • I want an election to be a level playing field, not dependent on how much money a party can raise to fund it's campaign
  • I want effective, speedy, oversight & challenge when politicians don't fulfil my criteria. 
  • I want real accountability
  • I want a proper, representative, voting system, not this "first past the post" outdated & unfair current system
This is what I don't want;-
  • I don't want candidates slag off the other parties
  • I don't want candidates to be more concerned about power, influence & wealth than the issues we face 
  • I don't want manipulation of statistics & lies
  • I don't want an election to be a "bun fight" - It's too important for that
  • I don't want the constant interrupting & talking over speakers by interviewers & candidates. 
Currently I haven't been able to stay with any TV debates for more than 5 minutes because I'm unable to tolerate the lack of integrity & understanding how serious this all is. It isn't just the UK that is in a dire situation. The world is. Everything is very unstable. 
Currently I've been sequestered in my front room for 2 days because I can't tolerate the heat. Climate change is obvious. It's the most important issue that humanity & the planet faces. Much of the world is voting this year. Our future depends on who gets power. If the loony religious right puts Trump back in America & populism wins everywhere I can't imagine the damage that will be done.
Why Voting For Climate Is Important To Me – Alter Eco Foods

Extremism of any type isn't the answer. We need intelligent & calm leaders who understand the dangers & have the courage to make the right choices.

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