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Saturday 21 October 2023

Free Speech, Disinformation & Conspiracy Theories

Article 10 of the Human Rights Act -  a right that's fundamental to our democracy means we're free to hold opinions and ideas and to share them with others without the State interfering. But the State does modify that. There are a range of restrictions in the Malicious Communications Act 1988, which covers indecent or grossly offensive, threatening, false or believed to be false content. In addition, if the purpose for sending the message is to cause distress or anxiety. The Communications Act 2003 criminalises “indecent or grossly offensive” messages and threats.

Fortunately it isn't 1984 & we don't yet have "thought police" technology. I am free to think what I like, which is fortunate because I am of a generation that is not "woke" enough to social inequalities such as racial justice, sexism and LGBT rights. So, for example, I simply don't understand how there can be between 72 - 107 different genders. I can grasp male, female, straight / heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian & trans. That's about as far as it goes. The danger is that possibly due to ignorance I could contravene free speech. I have certainly had my 18 year old grandsons tell me "you can't say that granny!"

To my mind it is important that speech or opinion is not hidden away or "no platformed". If someone makes a defamatory statement such as Libel, (a defamatory statement that is written) or Slander (a defamatory statement that is oral), the Law can intervene & protect the person being defamed. But if we don't hear adverse opinion that we don't agree with how can we argue our case or challenge the ideas? The "bad " ideas simply go underground, are hidden & insidiously build up momentum.

In our post truth world of deliberate lies & misinformation facts are becoming irrelevant. There are now a whole host of fact checking websites & organisations aiming to counter this tide of misinformation. The BBC has introduced BBC Verify / BBC Reality Check / More or Less for example. 

I find it shocking that lies have become a common currency of Political discourse. It's brazen & completely amoral. 

It's now up to each & everyone of us to ensure that we are not simply accepting everything we are told. We also have to be aware that Conspiracy Theories abound & most are utter rubbish. The EU has a website devoted to identifying Conspiracy Theories

We all have to be aware that just because something is being spread about it isn't necessarily true. We have to be responsible for our own Fact Checking. We shouldn't run with the herd. We shouldn't be swayed by influencers & charismatic leaders of politics or international companies. The immensly powerful & wealthy have their own axe to grind. They are not necessarily on our side.

If we want a well ordered & peaceful world we have to stop being lambs to the slaughter & start using our brains to fight for our human rights through real democracy.

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