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Thursday 7 July 2022

Government Failure - Icarus, Hamlet or the Emperors New Clothes?

"Government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system."

"The group of people that constitutes the governing authority of a country".

Today the current government of the UK failed abysmally & very publicly. The Prime minister and most of his ministers resigned. We do not have an effective government at all. I would argue that we have not had an effective, democratic, government for a long time.

I have to admit bias. I have never thought Boris Johnson was fit to be Prime Minister of the UK. I have always thought his sole purpose was his own aggrandisment & power. I have never believed what he says & I actually don't think he is particularly clever. He is an empty vessel, a buffoon, a caricature. He doesn't even have common sense. He is a product of our social media, PR, sound bite age.

Illustration by Chris Riddell.

The damage he has caused to the reputation of the UK, our political class, our international standing, the important systems we all depend on & our fiscal policy is difficult to overstate. Boris is a wrecking ball, who like Trump cares not a jot for this country & us. Like Trump he clung to power because at heart he has no moral compass or honour.

Like Icarus Boris believed that he could fly close to the sun. Today his wings have melted & he has fallen into the sea. Like Icarus Boris didn't understand that life is a gift and maintaining a balance with everything in moderation will ensure a long one. Boris believes in Boris & nothing else. His hubris was always going to be his downfall.

The real question is why didn't the Conservative party see that? Why did they keep him flying despite the  lies, obfustications, breaking of rules, lack of real policy, disinterest in detail....? Why have so many yes men & women defended the indefensible for so long?

To misquote Hamlet - "There is something rotten in the state of Britain" Political corruption is a major theme in the play. It reveals itself in the actions of the characters. Images of corruption- decay, rotting, disease – proliferate throughout the text. The rottenness in the state of Denmark is reflected everywhere in images of ill health. with weeds overwhelming healthy plants, everything decaying and rotting, and with poison killing wholesome things.  

Does that remind you of anything?


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