Thinking is "the process of considering or reasoning about something". It "allows humans to make sense of, interpret, represent or model the world & make predictions about it. It is helpful because we have needs, objectives & desires. We make plans & attempt to accomplish our goals".
What we have to ask ourselves is - Do thoughts exist? Or, are they just a construct we have created?
My thoughts are not tangible, I often think that is a very good thing! They exist only inside my head. You cannot see, hear or feel them unless I speak them out loud. I can create conversations & even whole worlds in my head which have no real existance. I can imagine situations & places. I can re-run the events of the day, enjoyable or worrying. Depending on my mood my thoughts can be positive & beneficial or very negative & harmful.
Thoughts are probably patterns of transient electrochemical activity in the brain. When you actually have a thought it does exist, but only for you. Thoughts are part of the Internal World, not the Physical World. The really interesting thing is that everyone's Internal World is different. So much so that it is worth contemplating how on earth we communicate & find common ground. We are not "in the same audience, watching the same show we call life".
The thing we need to be aware of is that our thoughts can get out of hand. We are in danger of thinking that our thoughts are reality. Ask anyone who has suffered from serious depression - their actions & whole world is coloured by negative thinking. Our emotions become involved to too great a degree, when what we really need is rational thinking.

The real danger is that we stop thinking for ourselves & let others think for us or tell us what to think.
Of course, these are just my thoughts!
Of course, these are just my thoughts!
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