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Friday 17 January 2014

What's gone wrong with men 2? - Sexual Violence & Rape

Rape is sexual violence without consent against a vulnerable victim. It is invasion of the body by force or coercion. There are notionally 91% female victims & 9% male victims. However, how accurate those statistics are is open to question simply because it is the most under reported crime. Usually the perpetrator is known to the victim.

Rape seems to have been around for a very long time. "Rape & pillage" by invading forces is evident throughout history. We are  possibly more aware of the incidence of rape now because of improved communications, but we don't really know that the incidence is actually higher. One statistic I found said there are 250,000 reported cases annually in 65 countries. But in South Africa, where rape seems to be endemic, there are 500,000 cases reported annually.

There are many types of rape - date rape, gang rape, marital rape, incestual rape, prison rape & war rape. Rape is rightly a war crime, sadly seemingly epidemic. The act itself, however brutal, is not the end for the victim. It is traumatising & can result in PTSD, STD's, pregnancy, Aids, victim blame & it's worst outcomes, "honour killing" & forced marriage. The victim is often victimised twice over. Not least by having to re-live the event if the matter gets as far as Court.

The statistics on prosecutions are not encouraging. In 2012 / 13 the conviction rate for 3,692 prosecutions was 63%. Yet we know that false allegations are extremely rare. Routinely 25.8% of allegations result in no charges being laid.

To me rape seems to be a crime committed by inadequate men incapable of having a real equal relationship with women. It seems to be a lot to do with the notion of "male entitlement" & female invisibility. Once again it is all about men who can only feel any sort of control or power through violence against someone who cannot defend themselves & crucially often feels that they are somehow responsible. This leads to the dichotomy of whether rape is a sexual crime or a violent crime.

Sexual assaults on elderly women are particularly difficult to understand but support the view that it is more a crime of violence. There are no figures for sexual attacks on elderly women because rape stat's are not categorised by age. We do know that they are not rare & that reported incidents are increasing. Often with associated violence and often, inexplicably, committed by young men. The victims are particularly vulnerable because often they live alone & the invasion of their home & body must be particularly traumatising.

As a woman fast approaching 70 what I find particularly unacceptable is that there is a resounding silence from specialists in the area - psychologists, counsellors, victim support, charities for the elderly. There is no research, no studies at all - nothing. Not into victims or perpetrators. I have to wonder if this is because of societies attitudes to old people & sex in the developed world. We do not exist. We certainly shouldn't have a loving sex life. I just hope that it never happens to me & that someone starts investigating this properly - soon

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