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Thursday, 22 November 2012

Need & Want & Russian Oligarchs.

What we humans want isn't necessarily what we need. I want a lap pool of my own so I can swim everyday without having to drive in my car. It isn't going to happen & there are all sorts of reasons why it probably shouldn't.

I need somewhere to live, enough to eat and drink & a bed to sleep in. Those are the basic needs everyone on the planet should have a right to expect. I would add to that access to healthcare, clean water & loving friends & family. Adding to the basic necessities, I would include a good education & access to work that fitted with my capabilities so I could develop my skills & contribute to society. I need a safe environment & freedom from fear.

It doesn't seem a lot to ask & it is achievable. There are actually enough resources in the world for the present population. The problem is the distribution of those resources & the obscene imbalance between the "haves" & the "have nots".  The "accident of birth" which means that one child has no chances in life and another has every whim satisfied - immediately.

I simply cannot understand how a Russian oligarch can think it is acceptable to spend billions on a football club, when babies are dying needlessly, old people die in pain and alone, & young people are living on the streets. I do not understand the "developed" world with it's focus on instant gratification, risk taking & endemic waste.

We are intelligent human beings - why do we not mobilise our talents for the benefit of everyone? What has happened to out sense of fairness & humanity?

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