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Tuesday 29 November 2011

Zen like state

I went to a meditation day on Sunday. It was really good & the timing was right for me. You can read lots about meditation, but there is nothing like having a good teacher & plenty of time.

I did it quite a while ago as part of some research into mindfulness & CFS / ME but never quite "got" it. Now I do & it is wonderful. I understand it on an intellectual level & can actually do several different practices. I just need to give the time to make it a daily part of my life if possible.

Meditation helps me to go deep into my conciousness to find the calm that is there and get away from the turmoil which is the surface of my life. It helps focus on how lucky I really am and the fact that I have many positive qualities. It also helps understand that I don't need to rely on other people for validation. It is important because it helps to focus positive thoughts about other people in my life who may present me with difficulties.

That all sound fairly simple, but trust me it isn't. Like everyone else I have been conditioned into patterns of behaviour & thought from childhood. The grooves of thinking are deeply embedded in my mind after all these years, like deep ruts in an unmade road. It takes effort to re-programme and it won't be easy. My thoughts and emotions create physical & mental imbalance. Whatever is happening in my life now, good or bad, will pass. What is important is not to respond or react inappropriately.

I will try.  Change and transience are normal. "If we want to end the war in the world, we need to end the war in our own hearts" - Thich Nhat Hanh.

1 comment:

  1. I always read your blog. Think you are such an interesting thinker. It is good to keep growing.
