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Sunday 4 August 2024

Violence & Rioting

Violence is destructive. It can be against objects, property, people, animals...It can be behaviour by an individual or group, threatening, harming or injuring individuals or others, or destroying property. Violent behaviour often begins with verbal threats but over time escalates to involve physical harm. Verbal violence can involve using hate speech.

"Behaviour involving physical force intended to intimidate, hurt, damage, or even kill.".

It is important that we try to understand the causes of violence. What makes a person behave in a way that is not acceptable to the majority of society? It's a complex mix -  There are biological, psychological, and socioeconomic influences that need to be considered. 

Causes of aggression can be biological including genetics, medical and psychiatric diseases, neurotransmitters, hormones, substances of abuse, and medications. People possessing neurotic traits are prone to cruelty and violent behaviour. Extraversion is related to violence and alcohol use in males and females. Neurotic individuals record high levels of stress and violent acts. Apparently Assertive Debaters are the most likely of all personality types to say they don't shy away from physical fights. Debaters love to challenge others, test limits, & push boundaries. Sociological causes of violence include frustration, exposure to violent media, violence in the home or neighbourhood, and a tendency to see other people's actions as hostile even when they're not.

I can't remember the last time I hit someone or deliberately pushed them. My generation did smack children if they were very naughty, generally on the back of the legs, but that was 50 years ago. The idea of doing physical harm to someone just hasn't been part of how I would deal with conflict or disagreement for decades.

The current violence in UK cities & towns, starting in Southport, is a shock. It has spread like a virus across the UK fuelled by online influencers, anti-Muslim extremists and fascist groups, spreading lies & disinformation. The violence has nothing whatsoever to do with the tragic death of 3 children in a knife attack allegedly by a 17 year old boy. 8 other children & 2 adults were injured. 

Police, who had to deal with what must have been a very traumatic scene at the stabbing & with the aftermath, must have been deeply affected. But now, days of violent disorder has followed & they have to cope with that too. Many officers have been injured by the mobs bombarding them & setting fire to buildings & vehicles. They are specially trained, but I have no idea how they cope with what they have seen & experienced.

Ordinary people, Muslims & Refugees in particular, have been barricaded inside & subjected to terrifying threatening behaviour. 

A burning police van, with three other police vans parked behind it, in a street strewn with debris

There is no excuse for this criminal behaviour. Linking it in any way with the tragic events last Tuesday dishonours all of the people involved who are shocked & grieving. This is direct action, far right, politics disseminated & co-ordinated via social media. Many "demonstrators" are not local, they are bussed in. The English Defence League, which is Islamophobic and xenophobic, has evolved into a diffuse idea spread mainly online. 

The difficulty is establishing how representative this is of the UK today. I want to believe that these yobs are simply mindless, ill educated, criminals. However, very right wing conservatives, supporting the Rwanda plan for example, like Suella Braverman, Priti Patel & Jacob Rees Mogg have fired an anti refugee hard line groundswell. The boats crossing the channel do need to be stopped on both H&S & humanitarian grounds. But not by whipping up the sort of anti foreigner rhetoric we are seeing now.

People are obviously struggling financially. The housing situation is dire. 16 years of huge macro economic problems starting with the financial crisis, Brexit & a pandemic have had a very detrimental effect. But the Conservative government record is poor to say the least. People are struggling. 

But refugees & migrants are not responsible for that & not all refugees are Muslims.

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