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Wednesday 18 August 2021


I was never good at waiting for things to happen. I always wanted things to be done yesterday. Possibly one of the worst waits was for my daughter to be born. She was late, so nothing has changed there! She also took a very long time to be born, 2 days, & was a very big baby, 11lbs.

Over the years I have learned to be patient. I have learned that rushing into something often doesn't end up with the best results. I've also learned that other opinions frequently result in better outcomes. On the other hand I generally know what I like & want.

Renovating a house, building an extension & resuscitating a completely overgrown & uncared for garden is a challenge to my patience. I have to be reliant on so many other people's expertise & doing their jobs. There are a lot of choices to be made - which bathroom fittings, windows, kitchen, doors, flooring, lighting. Where each socket & switch should go. It's endless. Looking online, looking at samples & catalogues, visits to showrooms, discussions with sales people, who generally are really helpful....

You make a decision on the basis of personal choice & cost. Then you wait. Wait for a quote, wait for something to be manufactured, in stock, delivered, wait for people to do their job. It's really trying. Especially if there are a lot of plates spinning at the same time. 

I am finding that rembering who & what I am waiting for is an issue. Short term memory is in the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex - My frontal lobe is old, tired, worn out. So I have to have systems. I have post its, lists, Samsung Notes, a filing system on my computer. It's endless.

At the end of the day I have to just hope that anything I have forgotten will eventually pop into my frontal lobe & I will have a pen & paper to hand to write it down quickly. Or, that whoever I am dealing with will do what they are supposed to.

My frontal lobe lobe is full & retrieval of data is unreliable. So I have to be patient & wait for information to surface.

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