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Wednesday 23 December 2020

Christmas is a coming.... So is the Pestilence.

I've made the red cabbage & the chocolate chestnut mousse. I've sent ecards & wrapped the presents. I've had Christmas phone calls with friends. I even went for a pre Christmas lunch with friends under a portable gazebo with walls today. We had two sides open so that the air could blow through. Who would have thought we would ever eat a Christmas meal outside, in the pouring rain, wearing jumpers & coats? But we did & it was lovely.

It was good to bear in mind how lucky we are. Financially secure, home owners, in a nice location, with friends & family who care for us. We definitely have more than just the basic necessities of life. I walked home through Summertown past two rough sleepers in shop doorways. Their bedding & cardboard was sodden. Why? Why is it still happening? Why are politicians & NGO's unable to solve it? Why do we tolerate it?

This morning I had to go into M&S to get a couple of food items. It was heaving. Trolleys were full to overflowing. Not sure whether that was the normal Christmas over consumption, or people getting prepared for a possible lockdown after Christmas. (Which has now proved to be true). Whatever. It's the contrast that gets me, between the "have to muchies" & the "have nothings". 

This is a unique Christmas. Nothing like it has happened in my lifetime. (Although I do remember the 3 day week, the lights going out & civil unrest). What I'm about to say will annoy. So stop reading if you are sensitive. 

Frankly I'm fed up with the whingeing. Jews have had Hanukkah, Muslims have had Eid, Hindus have had Divali. I didn't hear them moaning about having their celebrations ruined by Covid. Family is as important to them as it is to us - arguably more important to many. Christmas is 2 or 3 days. Surely we can cope? Especially as it strikes me as hypocritical in the extreme considering the percentage of people who go to church regularly. 

In England, membership is forecast to decline to 2.53 million (4.3% of the population) by 2025 according to FaithSurvey.

Covid is a unique event. Yes other countries have dealt with it better. The USA has been worse. Many countries have lied. What's the point of blame? Blame stops you from learning. Would you want to be a politician or a scientist currently? Would you do any better? How? Do you want to change places with NHS workers or Carers? Would you face disgruntled, self centred, shoppers not wearing masks & stripping shelves? 

No. Of course you wouldn't.

We are in this situation. No one deserves it. We have to cope. We have to be unselfish & think of others.

Some people need to get a grip. Others are being heroes.

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