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Saturday 31 October 2020

Similarity & Difference

Human beings have evolved to be hugely different - in appearance, attitudes, intelligence, culture & every possible variable. I imagine that is good for natural selection. Some have to survive, some have to fall by the wayside. Life & Death - the two inevitable sides of the coin. 

I can accept difference. I don't expect everyone to be like me or behave like me. I quite enjoy debating differences in belief, attitudes or culture with people. I don't even mind if those debates are heated. We are entitled to our own opinions & should hold them dear.

Interestingly the husband I chose was very different to me in many ways. A lot of my friends also hold very different views & beliefs to mine. However underlying that difference there is always a basic similarity in norms of behaviour. We don't resort to physical violence when disagreeing. We respect the other person & their views. We are still able to love or like the person regardless of differences of opinion.

So I find it intolerable living in the world as it is today. I cannot tolerate the rape of our planet through greed, consumerism & need for power & financial gain. I cannot tolerate politicians like Trump & Boris who are never sated with power & who are prepared to lie & cheat to keep it, regardless of the destruction they leave behind them. I cannot tolerate the selfish attitudes of so many ordinary people who think it is OK to pursue what they see as their right to treat others badly - the verbal & physical abuse, the nuisance, the taking what they want without any right to it.

We are living in a time of huge change in so many ways. All of the norms I grew up with have either gone or been undermined. In many ways the world is a better place, I can see that. But in many ways we are on a path to destruction. Destruction of people, places & the world as we knew it.

This is the time to make choices & the choices we make will determine not only our future as a human race, but also the future of the world as we know it. Each and every one of us has a responsibility to ourselves, future generations, the world we live in & every living thing. We can't avoid this. It may already be too late. 

Our planet is a huge & complex system. We have not cared for it enough. We have been selfish & thoughtless of the consequences of our actions. Now we have to face up to what we have done & try to put it right.

We have to come together despite our differences. 

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