This is a "Rant" warning - so look away now if you don't want to read it. Wrap a present or write a card maybe.
I am truly appalled at the behaviour of the audience for the Panto, (& in fact for many of the non Panto performances throughout the year). Frankly I find it inexplicable.
We volunteer ushers clear up after every performance. It is routine to fill several black bags after each performance with;- coffee cups & lids, water bottles, plastic cups, ice cream tubs & lids, tissues, tickets, flyers, sweet bags & papers, sweets, crisp bags....Then there is all the spilled ice cream, coffee, wine....One usher told me yesterday that she had to clear up after an Asian family who had brought a curry in & left everything on the floor!
We go up and down the aisles in the interval with our black sacks. Some people are great & do put their rubbish in. But this year I have been shocked at how much is just dumped on the floor for someone else to clean up.
Why is it that people don't feel able to go for approximately 50 minutes without eating & drinking? Shows usually have 2 Acts of about 50 minutes with a 20 minute interval when you can eat & drink to your hearts content if you wish. You can eat before you come or afterwards. Frankly I think it is "cinema" behaviour. Cinema audiences are used to having popcorn, hot dogs, coke & God knows what else. Cinemas don't rely on volunteers to clean up afterwards & the performers aren't live!

Then there is the unbelievable, to me, idea that it's fine to walk in & out whilst the performance is on going - Regardless of whether one is seated at the end of a row. Disturbing everyone in the same row & all the people behind seems to be OK - Twice - Out & back again. Are they all so desperate for something to eat or drink that they couldn't have bought it before or wait until the interval? It isn't surprising that they may need to go to the toilet, given that they are drinking continuously. Obviously bladder control is weak.
Lateness is similarly ill mannered. Yes I know parking can be difficult & the traffic can be bad. But the Staff & the Volunteers manage to get there in plenty of time. It's just an excuse. Leave home in plenty of time & allow for delays. Personally I wouldn't let them in until the interval.
Mobile phones are similarly annoying. The people around you do not want the disturbance of the very bright light as you check your emails & texts mid performance. The actors definitely don't. People certainly don't want to listen to your ringtone or alerts. Why on earth audiences think they have the right to take photos or worse still videos of a performance is completely beyond my comprehension. For most productions it is a definite "no no" & we are supposed to stop it.
I have been physically & verbally abused by members of an audience, only a couple of times fortunately. Most people are very friendly thank goodness.
It's all very selfish & bad mannered. How on earth have people been brought up? The theatre was completely refurbished a while back at great cost. Do people behave like this in their own homes? Hopefully not. So why do they think it's OK in the theatre.
I know of at least one actor in the West End who stopped the show because of audience bad behaviour. Good for him! I can't imagine how you can give a good performance if you are distracted.
Interestingly I went to the RSC last week & there was no such behaviour at all. Not a sign of rubbish at the end & we were in the circle & could see the stalls.
So - the questions are - Why is it happening at all? - What should we do about it? I know what I would do - but I'm not in charge.
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