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Wednesday 23 May 2018

Aches & Pains

A little Pain Humor - "Circle Where it Hurts" 

Currently my back, neck & left arm are hurting constantly. So long as I'm not doing anything it's a dull nagging pain. If I exert myself, like walking to the local shops, it becomes much worse. The left arm is more or less useless. I had an accident in the street 14 months ago & fell heavily on my arm. It wasn't broken, but there is tendon / ligament damage which medics don't seem to have been able to fix. It's difficult to change gear, brush my hair, shower, get dressed & undressed....I take 11 pills a day. I've even had Morphine & Amitryptilene on prescription. When I try to come off so many drugs the pain is even worse.

I'm not alone. According to a Systematic Review / Meta Analysis in 2016 almost half of the adult population, 43.5%, in the UK is living with chronic pain - 28,000,000 people. 14.3% in younger adults (18 to 25 years old), to 62% for those over 75 years of age.

My point is, that you would think, that in view of this widespread problem, the NHS would 
a) have a better understanding of how pain works & 
b) Be doing something about alleviating all of this pain.

Fibromyalgia / Chronic Pain   
Pain causes fatigue. Pain stops you from sleeping. Unsurprisingly constant pain can cause depression. The cost of chronic pain in both time & money to the NHS is huge. According to 2011 figures Painkillers cost the NHS £440,000,000 per annum. Goodness knows what it is now.

Although I've tried, & paid for, lots of alternative therapies, (I keep an open mind). I've also tried CBT, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, Relaxation, Meditation & Distraction Technique, with varying degrees of success. I've taken suppliments as well as medication. I've had steroid injections in my hips, (Brilliant, worked straight away). I've been referred to a Pain Clinic. I've done varying exercise regimes including Circuit training, Aerobics, Pilates, Chi Gong, Yoga... - The only thing that works & I can do now is swimming.

So, I'll be watching BBC 1 "The Doctor who Gave up Drugs" at 9pm tonight. I don't think there are any easy answers to chronic pain. You have to try everything & find what works for you. If you are lucky there will be something.

This is a silent epidemic. I look completely normal. But I'm going to stop now because my back is killing me from sitting at the computer.

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