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Friday 7 August 2015

Kids Company - What is Charity

There are lots of quotes about charity. It's a word that isn't used much except to describe certain organisations. Charities are NGO's which cover a huge range of need. It always surprises & shocks me that in the 21st century we rely on charities to provide services that to my mind should be provided by the State through taxation. Those of us that have should be glad that we are not in need & be happy to pay a bit more from our earnings to help others who have not.

It seems to me that there is a huge discrepancy in the funding that the many charities get. Funding seems to depend more on whether the charity has good PR, a big organisation or charismatic, wealthy & media savvy supporters than actual need. There is a huge imbalance. I tend to try to support the smaller ones.

In the current furore about "Kids Company" it isn't possible to know what is true & what is speculation. However it does seem that they had vast sums of money, possibly at the expense of other similar charities. That seems to point to a need for better management & regulation in the whole sector. It certainly means that if you accept government money or donations you should be accountable for how that money is spent.

It isn't just important to raise money. It's important to try to spread the benefit equably. It isn't just finance that matters. There are many ways we can all support worthy causes.

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