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Tuesday 28 October 2014

Lock On Lock Off

This webpage shows an image which can be seen in two ways. Either a young woman in a fur coat or an old hag with a white hat. It all depends how you look at it. The brain can only focus on one thing at a time, so we need to be careful what we focus on. Do we dwell on all the things that go wrong, or do we count our blessings?

Life is like that. Sometimes it seems as if we are trapped in a constant series of problems to solve. If we let them depress us it almost seems to become a self fulfilling prophecy. There are always  different ways of looking at things though. What might seem a setback can often open new pathways which we hadn't thought of. The trick is to try to see the positive & be open to different ways of doing things.

I'm not for one minute saying this is easy when life deals you a dreadful blow. I think what I'm saying is that it is what it is, so accept it and move on. I'm not advocating being a fatalist. I only accept things I know I can't change. That doesn't mean I stop trying to influence change if I think I can. It's a delicate balance & it isn't easy. I can't make someone else think or do as I do, but I can try to influence them if I have the energy or think I'm right & might succeed.

As I get older though I'm no longer trying to change the world, right wrongs & reform things as I did. I realise my own limitations and the amount of time & effort I have available to me. Sometimes though you do have to stand up and be counted or else you are complicit in a wrong. Turning the other cheek isn't the answer.

If we could all only lock on to right thought & right action we would be a power to be reckoned with. But sadly human beings just aren't like that.

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