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Monday 17 February 2014

One Step Forward - Again

Boiler saga.

The new boiler seems determined to test my patience & resilience. Last week I noticed that the pressure was too high & the Bar setting was flashing because it was over the limit. Fortunately my electrician was here replacing the downlight damaged by the leaking roof, & alerted me to the fact that a weak spot in the system could actually burst & cause a flood. Fortunately he showed me how to drain water from a radiator to reduce the amount of water in the system till the valve could be replaced. (I've become quite adept at it after a couple of soaking wet trouser incidents!) He called the plumber who arrived today and replaced a valve that was constantly leaking water into the system. I'm relieved it's mended & wonder what else could go wrong with the plumbing. At least I'm learning a little more about the dark art of plumbing every time a plumber comes.

Then I sent an email to my vendors plumber to remind him I need a witness statement from him for the County Court case. I hadn't had any response to the request I sent 3 weeks ago. His wife replied immediately to say he "prefers not to get involved" & "declines to sign a statement" (of the facts). I can actually understand why. He works for the vendor who didn't take kindly to what he said to me when he was called out by the vendor's maintenance man, because the heating wasn't working when I moved in. However it means that the Court will have to summons him to appear to give evidence under oath & answer questions. I was really hoping to avoid this all being any more confrontational than it has to be - Obviously naive.

Sometimes life just seems to be perversely complicated. As they say "Life's a bitch & then you die". Hope all this doesn't take that long. (Not anticipating dying just yet).


  1. I'm at least glad to know that the boiler's valve had been replaced. Things would've gone out of hand if that issue was ignored. Anyway, it's good that you pay attention whenever a plumber comes in to do his job. There's always something new to learn, isn't there? Hahaha! Hope you got that witness statement, by the way. All the best, Val! :)

    Tara Jennings

  2. Thank you Tara. The mysteries of a boiler will probably always remain just that for me!
