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Sunday 9 December 2012

Tax Doesn't Have to be Taxing.

It's a lie - in my experience it does. For the first time in my very average life I've had to pay an accountant & do self assessment. I contacted HMRC & said I thought I may owe them some money since my husband died. I did - a lot - Well a lot in my terms. I'm not sorry I did it, I'd rather pay my share & I am better off than many. I believe in the distribution of wealth & helping the less well off.

So I'm really p..... off to find that huge corporations who operate in the UK & make big profits here have paid little or no tax. My email is Google. I buy quite a lot from Amazon. Its personal. If I know what my tax responsibilities are I'm dammed sure they do too with all their corporate lawyers & accountants. Its a question of fairness, yet  again. There is no morality in the rich avoiding their tax responsibilities when the less well off have no choice. Most of us do PAYE and any savings we have are taxed at source.

However, the whole system of tax in the UK is not fit for purpose. The system is so complex even the people who work for HMRC don't neccesarily understand all the intricacies. I am really tired of the lame excuse that gets trotted out that clever professionals can always find loopholes in the system. Why? Why can't the system be simplified? Why can't it be reasonably proof agains immoral avoidance manipulation?

I'm glad the companies have been named and shamed. I hope more come under the same scrutiny. But when they are exposed lets not accept a "generous" donation from them. It doesn't put things right. Lets firstly sort the whole system out & secondly clobber them for all the years they have avoided tax. Enough is enough.

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