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Saturday 30 June 2012

Limits & Limitations

We seem to be living in an age of no limits or limitations. No limits to the depths to which human beings will sink in all spheres of their lives. No limitations on their behaviour because inertia, political expediency, cowardice, power & greed prevent the action which should be taken.

If you look at crime against children, people & humanity we seem to see the same sorts of ill treatment, neglect, abuse & worse happening over and over again. Each time someone says "we must learn the lessons" or " we must ensure this never happens again". But it does. Rarely is anyone brought to trial. If they are, the trial goes on for a farcical amount of time & costs vast sums of money.

If you look at financial crime, one begins to wonder whether there are any depths that people won't sink to at the prospect of huge monetary rewards. It is crime against anyone who uses the banking system in any way, which is everyone. Yet how many have been charged with any offence, let alone punished? Instead they reward themselves with huge salaries & even bigger bonuses simply for doing their job - or not.

There is no point in having laws if they don't protect the poor & weak. There is no point in a justice system which doesn't dispense justice. There is no point in having sanctions if they aren't applied rigorously & fairly. We seem to have reached a point where rules are either simply not enforced or are uninforcable.

Who or what protects us now? Who will curb the aberrant behaviour which goes across the class divide. Who sets the limits, but more importantly who enforces the limitations? Seemingly no one.

We aren't just a failed state, or a failed Western civilisation. We are a failed world. Anarchy is snapping at the heels of "democracy".

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