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Wednesday 11 September 2024

I Wonder Why?

The older I get the more perplexed I become. I have always been fascinated by how much the behaviour of people varies. Not only the behaviour of peoples from different cultures & countries, or even within the UK, but specifically in England. We appear to be becoming more & more polarised. Ever more extreme. 

For example why do people mindlessly believe what they are told by social media, "influencers", the press, the TV even? Why do they not use the amazing tools we have to verify information before they react? 

Why do people react aggressively or violently to situations & information without digging deeper to find out not only the truth, but also the underlying causes of whatever has happened?

Why are women targeted by men the world over & treated really badly, abused & even killed?

Why are so many children abused & not cared for properly?

Why is there such a wide discrepency in both opportunity & wealth in all countries?

Why do we think that it is acceptable for a very small percentage of individuals to have more wealth than actual countries? In fact why do those individuals think that squandering their money on mega yachts & several palatial houses is acceptable when there are people who don't have clean water or anywhere to live?

Maybe that is the answer to all my questions. We have allowed our world to become extremely unfair. We have allowed the people who have the wealth & the power that goes with it, to have control over more or less everything from business to politics to economics. We have allowed the richest 1% to own almost half of the world's wealth, while the poorest half of the world own just 0.75%. They literally rule the world & the poorest struggle just to survive. 

Don't even start me on the dictators & truly evil leaders, who squirrel away billions of their countries wealth, while watching the mass of people struggle to live. The Pandora Papers published in 2021 exposed use of "offshore havens" by the wealthy.

If we are to survive & prosper, that prosperity has to be shared more evenhandedly. We need to grow economies to generate income to lift people out of poverty & develop sustainable infrastructure. Everyone needs to contribute to that according to their ability to pay. We do need to have entrepreneurs with vision, but it is not acceptable that if successful they are allowed to amass vast amounts of wealth & then pass it on to their offspring. That just perpetuates privilege.

Not everyone is equal. Humans vary a lot. But everyone should have the Maslow basics & everyone should have equal opportunity to live & succeed.  

a chair sitting on a sidewalk next to a bunch of tents


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