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Wednesday 28 September 2022

What are you? - A Lesson or a Blessing. A Drain or a Radiator?

Buddhists believe that human life is one of suffering, and that meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and good behavior are the ways to achieve enlightenment, or Nirvana. Life is both endless and subject to impermanence, suffering and uncertainty. We humans are meant to develop mind and character to make progress on the path to Enlightenment. Buddhists value love, wisdom, goodness, calmness and self-control. The universe is the product of Karma, the law of the cause and effect of actions.

Not a lot I can disagree with there, apart from I really can't believe in reincarnation, any more that I believe in heaven, limbo or hell. We humans don't want to accept that this is it - just one life to get it right. Then nothing, apart from other peoples memories of what sort of person you were. 

So it is very important that we each realise the impact we have on others lives & they have on us. We each have to try to be the best person we can. We have to try to care for others & the world around us & "do no harm".

I am trying, but I am finding it increasingly difficult to live in this world. There is so much wrong at the macro & micro level. My daily interactions reveal just how varied human beings are. There is great sympathy, empathy & kindness alongside huge selfishness, superficiality, ignorance & intolerance. 

There are times when I really want to be truthful & say what is on my mind. But I don't because it may cause hurt or offence. Relationships are fragile. People are often oblivious to the harm they cause to others & to the world we live in. Human beings are imperfect.

It just seems to me that if we were to each make an effort to be thoughtful, helpful & kind it would make a difference. If we all made small changes in the way we live our lives & use the undoubted gifts the universe has given us in a sustainable way, the world itself would improve.

I want to be a Blessing & a Radiator. Not a negative Lesson or Drain. 

It's not easy.

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