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Thursday 11 August 2022


 "A firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something". Human relationships rely on trust. Trust cements relationships by allowing people to live and work together, feel safe and belong to a group. Trust in a leader allows organizations and communities to flourish, while the absence of trust can cause fragmentation, conflict and even war. People need to trust themselves, others & organisations in order to function well in a society.

Trust is built up through our life experiences. It doesn't just happen, it may well be learned behaviour. The basic conflict of trust and mistrust is established and addressed from the time we are born to around 18 months. Children are particularly trusting of things they are told.

Broken trust can result in tremendous anxiety and resentment, which can create a wall between ourselves and others. We might withdraw from those close to us and feel quite lonely. Unfortunately, most of us face some form of mistrust or betrayal at some point in our lives. Pistanthrophobia is trust issues resulting from negative past experiences. We need to develop a sense of perspective.

At every level of our lives we need to trust other people in order to function effectively. That trust has to be earned through actions and behaviour. If someone treats me badly or lets me down I may temporarily lose faith in them. If they repeatedly do that I will no longer trust them. It's a simple equation - I learn from the experience. Not everyone has the same ethical stance. Some people are arrogant, entitled, self absorbed & self serving, lack empathy, desire power & wealth at any cost....They are not capable of upholding concepts fairness & compromise.

Human beings are incredibly variable. Losing trust in a family member, friend or neighbour is sad, but not the end of the world. Losing trust in the people who govern your country is very dangerous. I have lived through civil unrest before. I don't want to experience it again, but if we continue with the inept government we have I can envisage it happening only too clearly.

Trust. Text 'trust' in white uppercase letters written on a black chalkboard and above it an illuminated light bulb surrounded by words 'integrity, sincerity royalty free stock photos

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