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Friday 1 December 2017

Changing Faces - Women Today

I was looking at a young womans face on the bus this morning. Her make up was skillfully applied & made her skin look perfect. Unfortunately it didn't match her neck & the rest of her body. It was like a mask. Was she "just another pretty face"? It made me think just how many sayings there are about our face.

Our face is probably the most important part of our body. We communicate with it, whether we know it or not. Our expression gives away our thoughts & feelings, "it's written all over your face". We don't have to say a word. If we greet the world with a smile we probably get a smile back, similarly a frown begats a frown or simply makes us look unpleasant.

Some people can mask their feelings using their expression, but then maybe their "face doesn't fit", or they are "two faced" or even "a bare faced liar".

We have to "face up to things" or "come face to face with something or someone". Maybe we "take things at face value" or do an "about face".

Often we may have to "put a brave face on". Or try to "put a smile on someones face". Even deliver "a slap in the face".

Returning to the woman I saw on the bus, I find myself wondering whether young women today realise how unnatural make up often looks. Women seem to think they have to look perfect & spend money & time trying to achieve that.

Looking at women on TV & in magazines so many have obviously false eyebrows. The worst ones are rigid & matching perfection or look like caterpillars above their eyes. You can chose to have threading, tattooing, tinting - all of which ends up drawing too much attention to the artificiality of the brows. Gone are the days of plucked thin lines, now bushy is good.

Then there are the lengthy lashes. You can have extensions, dozens of different false lashes, seemingly magic mascara....The end result is simply, obviously, false.
 Image result for images of eyelashes 2017

What do modern women do when they have to take their face off? How do they face their face? They must be unhappy with their own face to go to such lengths to make it look different. To make it conform with the magazines, the fashion industry, the celebrity industry.

It's all the emperors new clothes. It's a con by a vast money making industry & women are falling for it. It's making women into Barbie dolls & objectifying them.

Wise up women. Your "face is your fortune". But not to the extent that you literally make yourselves "two faced". The one you were born with & the one you "face the world" with.

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